Friday, November 28, 2008

Dogs - Man's Best Friend

Before adopting a dog, consider carefully the commitment you are making. Dogs generally live to be 15-20 years old. MOst frequently some dogs live up to 12 or 13 years. Be honest with yourself. Is your life stable enough to make a some sort of commitment to a pet? Animal shelters are filled with pets that were surrendered because their owners did not pay attention or sometimes abandoned by the owners to their pets sometimes. If we can not provide a proper care for the animal beacuse of the business of life, less of room in the house etc. we should not bring a pet dog (any animal) to the house. Because it would become a nuisance to both animal and you. We should adopt a pet at home only if we can provide adequate care and attention for the animal and we should do it in a way that things won't become complex for both the animal and for you.
Dogs are more friendly than other animal pets and they are close to the people. Further their understandability, commom sense is higher than other animals.
Dogs are active animals who keep us always happy and active. But we should not let the dog suffer to fulfil our needs. We should understand that the animals are also living beings like us who has got senses, needs freedom, does not like to be harassed.
Dogs like to be active and that means having a lot of room!
When a pet has been given to children it is enthusiastically received. But, when the pet becomes an adult and loses it's appeal, it receives little attention or affection from the family.
Dogs give us protection, freindliness, happiness nad keep us alive.

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